
Wednesday 16 March 2016

Continental Immigration Consultant: All you need to know about H-1B Visa

Numerous people suffered United States migration consequences because of their dependence on wrong data found on the web. Whilst much data found on the web might be precise, we must be aware of a plenitude of visa myths emerging out of off base data that is propagated over the web on sites ranging from government data pages to chat boards. If you also wish to fly to US but don’t want to face these problems, all you need to do is to locate the Best visa Consultant in Delhi.

On the off chance that you need to work in the U.S. temporarily as a non-immigrant, under U.S. immigration law, you require a particular visa taking into account the kind of work you will be doing. Continental immigration consultancy works in the same field and will definitely prove to be a miracle in solving this issue. A petition should be filed by agent or prospective employer for temporary worker, which should be endorsed by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the United States before you can apply for a work visa. Continental immigration consultancy services p ltd masters in all this procedure and knows what is to be done.
An H-1B visa is required on the off chance that you are going to the United States to perform services in a professional job. USCIS will figure out if your business constitutes a specialty occupation and whether you are eligible to perform the services. Your agent should file a work condition application with the Department of Labor concerning the terms and states of its agreement of occupation with you.
Eligibility for the H-1B Visa
Skill full job
Business including appropriate training
4 years Bachelor’s Degree
Experience in the field of work
Non graduates must show 12 years related experience relating to the concerned area
Employees must be needed by the employer.
If you find all these tasks over daunting, then don’t worry! Continental immigration consultancy services are always happy to help you and they will put in their best efforts to take you to your dream destination.

Saturday 12 March 2016

Continental Immigration : Immigration to Hong Kong

Immigration to Hong Kong is possible through ‘Quality Migrant Admission Scheme’ (QMAS). The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has its guidelines and regulations for the immigration process. The norms that are listed below keep on changing regularly that any individual who wishes to relocate to Hong Kong is advised to enquire from the immigration department of HKSAR to get upgrades of the latest info before submitting an application under this plan.

The plan is pertinent for the profoundly capable newcomers willing to relocate here, planning to add to the economy of Hong Kong, to lead the race of monetary rivalry around the world.
It is a not the hard and fast rule that the successful candidates are required to succeed in getting a livelihood locally before they migrate to this nation. Before granting points under any of the tests named as ‘General Points Test’ and ‘Achievement based Points Test’, all that they have to do is meet sure conditions and face the challenges with other candidates for quota allocation. All the candidates who are successful in this plan are qualified to bring their spouse and the offspring of under 18 years who are unmarried on the condition that they have the ability to bolster and accommodate their wards on their own monetary resources without relying upon open help in Hong Kong.
The candidates should meet certain criteria before they are granted the points.
  • Once the candidates have met the criteria they will be assessed under ‘General Points Test’ or ‘Achievement based Points Test’ to avail the points.
  • The candidates will be ranked according to the scores got/secured by them. The aspirants who have scored high points will be sent for further processing. The results of the candidates are posted on the site of the Immigration office.
  • Those candidates who have been allocated a quota need to go to attend an interview personally in Hong Kong and show all the documents in original.
  • On the off chance that all the documents are verified successfully and the whole process is complete, they are at long last issued a visa under this plan.
Are you one of the aspirants who wish to fly to this country? Do you find the entire procedure mentioned above, a daunting one? Are you looking for an expert advise in this regard? If the answer is yes, then your search ends here!  continental immigration consultancy  is one of the top 10 consultants which helps you in fetching your visa to Hong Kong easily and quickly.

Monday 7 March 2016

Work in Dubai

The United Arab Emirates ("UAE") is one of the top destinations for abroad employments for individuals worldwide due to the generously paid occupations manifested by its fabulous economy.

Consequently, numerous believe that landing a position in UAE would really settle them fiscally forever. These aspirants try to get job in UAE and effectively look for them through different means.

Dubai, one of the wealthiest and quickest developing urban communities in the UAE, is constantly becoming an energizing, multi-cultural blend of diverse, vibrant, young, and expert individuals who are appreciating the unrivaled personal satisfaction. This place has additionally recorded the quickest development in populace, which means more people who need a superior because of better vocations are moving to Dubai every year. Continental immigration consultancy services helps you to travel Dubai and get a job visa there.

Here are step by step instructions from Continental immigration consultancy services to get a UAE Visa - 

The initial step for working in Dubai is getting a Dubai residential permit that will allow you to get a labor card. The labor card is then used to get job in Dubai. You get the private visa by either being sponsored by a relative or by an organization. These are the main two routes in which a normal aspirant can get a job visa for Dubai.

When you are sponsored by an organization, the law requires the organization to fulfill every formalities to get you the job visa that you want to work for the organization. This implies that the most ideal approach to get to Dubai is via being sponsored by an organization. Numerous Dubai organizations publicize in countries, like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines etc for jobs, and select suitable competitors. These laborers are then taken to Dubai by the organization to work for it.

Here are some other tips that will offer you some assistance with getting a job in Dubai:

l  Your passport ought to have a legitimacy of no less than 6 months.

l  You ought not have gone to Israel before. This can be found by taking a look at your visa.

l  In case your life partner is going with you, you ought to have your marriage certificate with you.

l  The official records that prove your eligibility

l  In case you wish to work under the Professional category of the Employment visa, you should have a Bachelors degree that has been validated by the UAE embassy in your country.