
Friday 8 July 2016

EB-5: The Visa for Indian Investors

                                      Continental immigration consultancy services p ltd
For quite a while, Indian business people couldn't get U.S. residency or citizenship by putting resources into a U.S. organization in light of the fact that the U.S. did not offer investor visas (E-Visas) to Indian natives. But, with the advent and facilitating of the EB-5 investor visa program, Indian investors who qualify can get a green card for themselves, their life partner, and their children below the age of 21. By and large, the EB-5 investor visa program permits any foreign investor who contributes $500,000-$1,000,000 (contingent upon the range of venture) through money, stock, equipment, money equivalence, or indebtedness secured by the investors' personal resources, in another business endeavor, to get a green card. Similarly as with some other visa program, the EB-5 visa program has numerous provisos. Continental immigration consultancy Services tells you about some of these:
  1. The investor must show that the source of assets is legal: The money related documentation required for the EB-5 visa application is stringent. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) analyzes the funds of the investor and searches for documentation that exhibit that the original sources of the assets are legally earned, also considers tax collection, living expenses and transfers.
  1. The venture must be in a New Commercial Enterprise: The meaning of "Another Commercial Enterprise" incorporates any revenue driven organization that is set up after November 29, 1990.
  1. The investor must produce 10 full time employments in the U.S.: The venture must make or save no less than 10 full time jobs for qualifying U.S. specialists within two years (or in specific situations, within a reasonable time after the two-year time duration) of the investor's admission to the United States as a Conditional Permanent Resident.
  1. The investment must be at-risk: The venture ought not to be secured by any advantages and may not be an obligation.
Apart from the factors above, there are number of other vital admonitions to acquiring a green card in view of the EB-5 visa. Lamentably, dissimilar to China, India does not have a myriad of nearby organizations that represent considerable authority in counseling on the EB-5 program. In this way, numerous Indian investors and entrepreneurs are not aware about this way to U.S. citizenship.

So if you’re an Indian who wishes to invest in U.S., apply for EB-5 Visa now. For more info, contact Continental Immigration Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.

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