
Monday 18 July 2016

How to get a job in US?

In case you want to work in the U.S. temporarily, under U.S. migration law, you require a particular visa in according to the work you will be doing. Most temporary categories require that your agent or employer record an appeal, which must be affirmed by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the US before you can apply for a work visa. Continental Immigration Consultancy Services tells you about different kinds of job visas in the US.

H-1B (specialty occupation)
An H-1B visa is required in case you are going to the United States to perform services in a pre-orchestrated proficient job. To become eligible, you should hold a bachelor’s or higher degree (or an identical degree) in the particular forte for which you look for livelihood. USCIS will figure out if your job constitutes a specialty occupation and if you are competent enough to perform the services. Your employer is required to submit a work condition application with the Dept. of Labor concerning the rules and regulations of its agreement of occupation with you.

H-3 (trainee)
An H-3 visa is required in case you are going to the United States to get training from a business in any field of endeavor, other than training, for a time of up to two years or graduate education. You can be paid for your training and "hands-on" work is approved. Training can't be used to give profitable vocation and can't be accessible in your nation of origin.

L-1 (intra-company transferees)
An L-1 visa is necessary in case you are the representative of a global organization which is transferring you temporarily to a parent branch, subsidiary, affiliate of the same organization in the United States. The international organization might be either a U.S. or a foreign company. To meet all requirements for an L-1 visa, you should be at the administrative or official level, or have particular information and be bound to a position within the U.S. organization at both of these levels, despite the fact that not inexorably similarly situated as held already. And, you must have been employed outside the United States with the international organization constantly for a year within the 3 years preceding your application for immigration into the United States. You may apply for an L-1 visa after your U.S. organization or partner has received endorsed appeal from USCIS, either on a "cover" or individual basis.

Thus get ready to work in the US and for getting a visa contact Continental Immigration Consultancy services now.

Friday 8 July 2016

EB-5: The Visa for Indian Investors

                                      Continental immigration consultancy services p ltd
For quite a while, Indian business people couldn't get U.S. residency or citizenship by putting resources into a U.S. organization in light of the fact that the U.S. did not offer investor visas (E-Visas) to Indian natives. But, with the advent and facilitating of the EB-5 investor visa program, Indian investors who qualify can get a green card for themselves, their life partner, and their children below the age of 21. By and large, the EB-5 investor visa program permits any foreign investor who contributes $500,000-$1,000,000 (contingent upon the range of venture) through money, stock, equipment, money equivalence, or indebtedness secured by the investors' personal resources, in another business endeavor, to get a green card. Similarly as with some other visa program, the EB-5 visa program has numerous provisos. Continental immigration consultancy Services tells you about some of these:
  1. The investor must show that the source of assets is legal: The money related documentation required for the EB-5 visa application is stringent. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) analyzes the funds of the investor and searches for documentation that exhibit that the original sources of the assets are legally earned, also considers tax collection, living expenses and transfers.
  1. The venture must be in a New Commercial Enterprise: The meaning of "Another Commercial Enterprise" incorporates any revenue driven organization that is set up after November 29, 1990.
  1. The investor must produce 10 full time employments in the U.S.: The venture must make or save no less than 10 full time jobs for qualifying U.S. specialists within two years (or in specific situations, within a reasonable time after the two-year time duration) of the investor's admission to the United States as a Conditional Permanent Resident.
  1. The investment must be at-risk: The venture ought not to be secured by any advantages and may not be an obligation.
Apart from the factors above, there are number of other vital admonitions to acquiring a green card in view of the EB-5 visa. Lamentably, dissimilar to China, India does not have a myriad of nearby organizations that represent considerable authority in counseling on the EB-5 program. In this way, numerous Indian investors and entrepreneurs are not aware about this way to U.S. citizenship.

So if you’re an Indian who wishes to invest in U.S., apply for EB-5 Visa now. For more info, contact Continental Immigration Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.

Friday 1 July 2016

Easy VISA Policies by India

India's Commerce Department, along with trade lawyers, is nearly drafting a proposition for the World Trade Organization to make easy visa policy by July 2016.This proposition is in lieu of US visa issues and henceforth looking for support from different nations.

One of the authorities expressed, "We will try to discover a strategy which is not so much on business sector access but rather assistance of issues like simplicity of visa, ease and development decisions for administrations." The legislature of India is trying to discover answers in the trade facilitation consent to enhance traditions rules.

"Our rationality is to change all the models in administrations, and will stress more on Mode 4, and doesn't have anything to do with nations hinder," the official included.
Mode 4 alludes to migration of natural persons in which visa issues are entirely basic, an exemplary case is the multiplying of work visa fee which has influenced the software sector.

                                          Continental immigration consultancy services p ltd

Another official added that India should develop a union with various countries along with its work on the draft proposition. In spite of the fact that the discussions on administrations are a part of the Doha Round under the General Agreement on Trade in Services, no genuine move has been made since 2011. Each of the 23 countries under the WTO umbrella are hoping to improve guidelines and open up work markets in areas like ecommerce, telecom, budgetary administrations, sea transport, licensing and also give impermanent abroad travel administrations.

So if you or your loved ones were facing difficulty in getting a Visa, now the process will become a lot easier and you will be able to travel to different countries of the world. The only thing you should consider is to stay abreast of different laws and changing policies which are being proposed nowadays.

To be updated and keep an eye on what’s going on around, you can take the help of Continental Immigration Consultancy Services. They are into this field since long and have experience and information regarding all the visa policies and rules and regulations. So hurry up!  Pack your bags now and travel wherever you want to go.